About Us

We like the outdoors, all year round. In Norway, there is the saying that “there is no bad weather, just bad clothing”, or “det finns ingen dårlig vær, bare dårlig klær”.

There is definitely some truth in there. But to fully enjoy life in the outdoors, you not only need good clothing, but also good gear.

And it is even better if the gear is of good quality, reliable and sustainable. That is what Dollstein Handel wants to provide you with.

We are always on the lookout for useful, no-nonsense outdoor gear that meets these requirements. All the gear in our webshop has been personally tested by us and found to bring added value to your outdoor experience.

We are 100% sure that you will enjoy using our products and that they will become an indispensable, trustworthy and long-lasting companion on your trips in the outdoors!

The story of Dollstein Handel started when Bjørn noticed that his friends commented on his Kuksa and asked where he got it from. Bought a long time ago somewhere in Norway, he could not remember and found that it was actually rather difficult to get hold of Kuksa.

Swiss-Norwegian and living in Switzerland, he decided to establish Dollstein Handel and sell Kuksa in Switzerland for a start. Let’s see what will be the next products to appear in the shop, so stay tuned!